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 So it has come to this

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Posts : 167
Join date : 2009-04-21
Age : 33
Location : Denmark

So it has come to this Empty
PostSubject: So it has come to this   So it has come to this I_icon_minitimeTue May 12, 2009 3:16 pm

Well there has been all this talk back and forth allready by now people are leaning alot to the idear of leaveing iE for WCA, but i guess I'll have to make a stand, if everyone decides to abondon iE, i will not be going with you, i left WCA before you guys, and for my own reasons, which i very much doubt has changed seeing that WCA still accepts just about everyone who knows he's own Xfire account. and Speed seems to be up for that ideaoligy.

But that is not it for me, either we stay in iE or you guys are leaveing without me.

And if you're leaveing, I'll still help you guys out if you got something you want to talk about since you're all a bunch of whining little bitchs XD hah, naah, nvm, but I'll still help out if i can and help moderating the server ^^

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Posts : 140
Join date : 2009-04-21
Age : 34

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PostSubject: Re: So it has come to this   So it has come to this I_icon_minitimeTue May 12, 2009 3:51 pm

thanks for stealing my thread elsa Sad
when iE started i wanted to have some other ppl come with us like sandman, gunner and a couple of others. but there was a strict no recruiting policy. I also think that those who were my friends before are still my friends whether ur still in WCA iE left WCA joined SOL or left iE to rejoin WCA..
If there wont be a clan left i'l probably be clanless. I've come to like how we play a lot of SD these days.. specially me and gaz/danny/waffled/jigsaw watever -_- it was fun.. well if you wanna go to wca i dont care either. doesnt mean we're not friends anymore ^^
so bye to anyone who is leaving and w00t to anyone who wants to stay. I'll be cool with which ever decision you make or the apparent one that you seem to have made already Very Happy peace out for now brothers gotta study for exams

iEdge* insane'

oh my signature is just fine. I am insane Smile
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